Lileeva's birthday

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, 11 June 2013


Today morning I woke up half an hour later than usual, went for a pee, took my medications, chugged down a bottle of water, made a cup of coffee, sat down and turn my (New and amazing.) laptop on. Sounds pretty ordenary, right?! Wrong, when you are a parent.
This is how the start of each of my days look like: Get waken up by the baby monitor, at least 5-10 minutes before Lee`s alarm would go off, rush to the living room, sort it out (Candles away, toys out, cartoons on.), get Lileeva out from her cot, make her breakfast while putting the kettle on, chugging my meds down with the water, feeding the under-my-foot annoyingly meowing cat and preparing Lee`s lunch. By when I could sit down to enjoy my coffee, Lileeva is usually done with her breakfast (And all over me.) and the cat is done with her usual morning poo so I have to clean the litter. And I still didn`t have my morning pee...
The point is: This was a nice, peaceful morning. One of a kind.

It`s television parenting day ahead us, which I hate, but I have to stay in all day, waiting for a massive delivery I need to sign for and can arrive and time between 8am-6pm. Thank you Argos for being precise with your timing. I was going to get a drawing board for Lileeva for days like this but was out of stock everywhere nearby. Contemplating buying a scooter for her too, I know she`s yet little, but is very much interested in them.
We had a few nice days over the park lately. Not particularly on the super sunny days, more likely on the warm but cloudy ones, when the playground wasn`t crowded. I like to just leave the pram in the middle and let Lileeva run about, be as independent as she wants to be and be able to keep an eye on her.

She is also saying `poo poo` now, after each time she does one. She sometimes even brings the potty out or just points at it, but wouldn`t sit on it, just when she feels like watching her cartoons from the throne. Slowly but surely I suppose. (No, still didn`t look into how to potty train properly.)
On this note, we are giving up the reusable Bambino Mio nappies. They served us well for a year and a half, but potty training (And life in general.) is sure as hell easier with disposable ones. Will save them though, for our future children, if there`ll be any more.