Lileeva's birthday

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, 4 October 2013


Alright, so I know I've been missing in action, but I just felt the necessity to pop in and say, once again, without any bitterness or sarcasm, just like a stone cold fact; Hey boy, this is my everyday life.
Long story short, I haven't had 'baby free' time for a long while. I mean months. Time for myself. To update my blog(s), to have a long soaked bath, to do my nails, to organise and tidy bits around the flat, to look into very adult and important stuff like home swapping, nurseries, college, tax and so on.
Plus the issues of lately Lee not taking his part in parenting seriously again.
Hence why I asked him to take Lileeva out tomorrow for the day.
Now, he wanted to have a few, chilled out drinks tonight with me, which, to be perfectly honest, I wasn't too keen on, because I try to cutbl down on alcohol intake again. Either way, I agreed, and have had a few, after putting Lileeva to bed.
The time approached around 10 pm and Lee said he was going to bed, then and there, without doubt. I askes him why is that, considering he can stay up late(r) any other occasions. His reply was simple and straightforward: Because he'll have Lileeva all day, among lots of other, screaming, shouting, happy kids, and he didn't want to be tired.
Simple as that.
He -or anyone not having a child for that fact, who thinks a stay-at-home-mum's life is easy- never should wonder why we are, mums, are exhausted every day around 07pm, why is bath time a relief for us, why do we want to just sit and mong above a nice cup of tea or hot chocolate for an hour, and pass out at the end of each day, 11pm the latest.
That's our lives, that's what we chose, that's what we're committed to, that's what we're like and that's what we love.
And I'm grateful Lee is finally having a taste from it too, amongst his other, work related commitments.
(Side note: We have had another shaky time behind us, which I probably would've written about in details, if I wasn't rather focusing on keeping us together. It has passed though, luckily, and I can say, I'm 100% grateful again for the family I've got. They're truly the best!)