Lileeva's birthday

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, 19 June 2012


Fourth tooth is out at last!
Lileeva suffered with this one, had high temperature for days, been super tired all the time but wasn't able to sleep during the day, and kept waking up earlier the mornings.
She became funny with vegetables lately as well. As it turns out, she hates cauliflower with passion and not so keen on anything else either.
By the look of it she only likes sweet stuff. I'm not happy.

On another note, we tried out our tiny pushchair and it's bang on! I'm close to say, I prefer this little used piece (£20 from eBay with shipping) over our super buff brand new tank (£250 with shipping). Even though Lileeva can only sit in it, it holds her straight, even it doesn't have rain foil or an umbrella, has no suspension at all, it has swirly wheels and super light! A definite good buy.
No, I don't mind the other, stylish pram but I'd prefer if it had swirly or at least smaller wheels.
I start to believe the less attractive, the better the pram is, seriously. Even though we only bought this one for our upcoming holiday, I'm definitely using it over the park when it's not too sunny or rainy.

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