Lileeva's birthday

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, 20 October 2012


It's a good feeling keep being reassured that I raise my child alright.
During pregnancy I've signed up for babycenter's weekly newsletter, which never fails me! Weekly updates on what has been going on in my body, plus updates on the baby's development is a win-win for new mums.
A couple of weeks ago it talked about average hours of sleeps regarding the child's age, and I have to say, Lileeva is spot on with that. Now it mentions we shall rather show her how to pet the cat, instead of shouting a straight off 'No!' when she grabs or pokes poor kitty. And that's exactly what I've been doing! After all, it's only in her nature to do and practice what she can so far, on everything; Which is poking, grabbing and putting in to her mouth. She's also looking at me waiting for my reaction after she falls/humps on her bum a bit harder than usual. I normally just say 'Ooops. And we all fall down!' which makes her smile and forget all about it - unless she falls really hard, obviously. Therefor she easily learns what are and aren't the big deals.
However, she does know the meaning of 'No!' for a while now... And clearly refuses to listen to it.
Lileeva is also telling us off lately. She raises her voice and shouts at us when she doesn't like something. Cheeky chops! Even though it's very cute, we are working on it not to become a bad habit of hers.
Anyways, here is her super comfy-looking, personalised cot. It goes with her magicy-mushroomy room so well! The quilt is made by Lee's mum and the bumper reads 'Lileeva'. I also chucked a matching IKEA pillow in there, since I figured it might help her through these snotty nights. She is almost one (That's the recommended age to avoid pillows until.), can roll over, sit and stand up easily, so don't suppose it would do any harm.

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