Lileeva's birthday

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, 19 November 2013


So the day has come. And past by quite quick actually.
Lileeva is 2 years old!
Lee got the day off work (Wednesday the 13th.) and I organised her a little get-together on her actual birthday.
Decorated the living room the night before, baked a massive Peppa Pig cake (Again.) and prepared lots of snacks, both for kids and for adults, as well as put toys out, and popping the secret weapon of bubble maker out at some point. We had a strictly music - no television afternoon with family and friends.

All her little mates could make it, some later than others - without good reason (Which I personally find quite rude.) but hey. Cousin Alfie, Loki, Virag, Giulia and even our upstairs neighbour Aoife turned up.
I had the annoying misfortune of deleting 30% of my most recent photos of my phone by accident, the ones of her birthday too. Bummer.
Still, here are a couple by others.

Friday, 4 October 2013


Alright, so I know I've been missing in action, but I just felt the necessity to pop in and say, once again, without any bitterness or sarcasm, just like a stone cold fact; Hey boy, this is my everyday life.
Long story short, I haven't had 'baby free' time for a long while. I mean months. Time for myself. To update my blog(s), to have a long soaked bath, to do my nails, to organise and tidy bits around the flat, to look into very adult and important stuff like home swapping, nurseries, college, tax and so on.
Plus the issues of lately Lee not taking his part in parenting seriously again.
Hence why I asked him to take Lileeva out tomorrow for the day.
Now, he wanted to have a few, chilled out drinks tonight with me, which, to be perfectly honest, I wasn't too keen on, because I try to cutbl down on alcohol intake again. Either way, I agreed, and have had a few, after putting Lileeva to bed.
The time approached around 10 pm and Lee said he was going to bed, then and there, without doubt. I askes him why is that, considering he can stay up late(r) any other occasions. His reply was simple and straightforward: Because he'll have Lileeva all day, among lots of other, screaming, shouting, happy kids, and he didn't want to be tired.
Simple as that.
He -or anyone not having a child for that fact, who thinks a stay-at-home-mum's life is easy- never should wonder why we are, mums, are exhausted every day around 07pm, why is bath time a relief for us, why do we want to just sit and mong above a nice cup of tea or hot chocolate for an hour, and pass out at the end of each day, 11pm the latest.
That's our lives, that's what we chose, that's what we're committed to, that's what we're like and that's what we love.
And I'm grateful Lee is finally having a taste from it too, amongst his other, work related commitments.
(Side note: We have had another shaky time behind us, which I probably would've written about in details, if I wasn't rather focusing on keeping us together. It has passed though, luckily, and I can say, I'm 100% grateful again for the family I've got. They're truly the best!)

Thursday, 29 August 2013


Last weekend's camping was wicked!

Lee and his workmate Steve went to the campsite after their shift on Friday evening, while us girls joined them on Saturday afternoon. It was possibly the worst timing though, as was it just wouldn't stop raining all day. And I mean storm like proper rain. Needless to say, we got soaked. The camp wasn't even set up properly by the boys either, as they got drunk the night before. Ah well.

So our first night weren't amazing, but I enjoyed myself with a company of an entire bottle of Southern Comfort and Steve's brand new camping table and chair set, which I managed to fall onto and collapse it. Three times. Ho hum.
Lileeva slept surprisingly good in the tent next to me. I unfortunately can't say the same, but I'm slowly getting used to being non-stop sleep deprived anyway.

Sunday we were mainly wandering around in the forest, built our campsite properly and cooked. And drank. That was the official night we all supposed to get hammered, but I couldn't due to Saturday's madness. Lee, however, got smashed very quick and fell through the now fixed garden table, head first, and broke it proper haha!

Monday us three we went for a last walk, while waiting for Steve and Sabrina to wake up, then started to pack things up, pretty much straight away. Left around 02pm ish.
All in all, I enjoyed myself, and I'm pretty sure Lileeva did as well. She loved running off in the woods, picking flowers and berries and, of course, jumping in muddy puddles like Peppa.
And this weekend, we are off to Rome.

Thursday, 8 August 2013


I really have no excuse why not posting, apart from being lazy. I usually super drained by the evening and can't seem to be able to pull my thoughts together after putting Lileeva to bed.
During her daily naps I usually either do my training routine or have a kip myself.
Speaking of which, she's been sleeping a lot in the past few weeks, she's probably having another growth spurt.
She is a fussy eater, but eats well. Also a copycat, which comes handy when teaching her things. She's very independent, wanting to do everything by herself. She is stubborn too. Not sure where she gets these from. Cough.
I do still have my down moments when I think I'm a terrible mum, but coming across how some other people raise their kids keeping me reassured of the opposite. Alright, yes, I know parents whom take their children out many times daily... I'm not one of them, and to be fair, I started to see on Lileeva that she slowly starts to get bored of the nearby parks and playgrounds too. However, it still doesn't stop me to provide her a daily 'adventure' though.
But there are these parents that don't even think of taking their kids out to the park, playground or even to their own garden! Buying garden toys is out of question too. What the hell?! We only have a tiny balcony, but made the best out of it with artificial grass, a bench, a tiny paddling pool and toys and the door is always open for her. None of us made to be between the same four walls 24/7.
So to speak, I try not to beat myself up if I have a chillaxing day spent indoors a couple of days a week. Tops.
This Saturday Lee is taking her to see his aunt, next weekend she'll be staying with Lee's mum because we are off out of London for our anniversary. On bank holiday weekend we all be going to the woods for camping with Lee's workmate and his fiance, then afterwards us three are off to Rome and Budapest. We took her to Cornwall last month, and last week we went to Essex for a day to see my friend and her son, and also, I try to get around to my sister-in-law's with her weekly.
Considering all this, I think we are doing parenting well and making our toddler's life as interesting as possible.

Saturday, 20 July 2013


Went away for a spontaneous family mini holiday to Cornwall earlier this week.
We stayed at Hayle but visited St. Ives and Land`s End too and traveled through Penzance.
It was amazing to say the least. The weather was beautiful, the sea is breathtaking, the people are the kindest I`ve met lately. After our 5 days of heaven, arriving back to Lilevrpool Street on a Friday afternoon peek time, where if you`re lucky people just look through you, buts most likely kick your pram/suitcase/feet was pure disgust. The combination of that, and the five long, hot and airless hours spent on the train made me almost beak down in tears. I came to realise how much I actually hate London and not sure if I wanted to stay here on the long haul.

The holiday itself was nice, even though you can`t really relax when you have a child. Lileeva was an angel when she decided to be content and well behaved, but was a monster when she got bored and overtired. Which happened quite easily unfortunately. This put Lee on edge, and that put me on edge.
We didn`t argue much, but I did have the amp of having to look after Lileeva the majority of times, after all that`s what I`m doing at home too. I`m still not sure though Lee realises how much being a stay-at-home mum sucks the life out of you on a daily basis.
Anyways, we did have our wonderful moments, and for that, the trip definitely worth it.

On Monday, my friend Sanyi, who now lives in Plymouth was waiting for us in the train station. After packing our luggage we ended up in a pub`s beer garden which was looking right at the sandy beach and had a playground for kids. Perfect.

Tuesday we took the bus to St. Ives. It reminded me of Edinburgh with it`s highly touristy atmosphere, tiny beautiful streets and the sea view. Only the weather was better, obviously. Met with Sanyi later and had a mini BBQ outside our chalet. Was delicious.

On Wednesday we took the Cornwall tour bus from St. Ives. Visited St. Michael`s Mount which is a castle on top of a mountain in the sea, which you can get to by walk if the tide is low or by boat when it`s high. Then we went to Land`s End, the very corner of the UK. Just beautiful. Words can`t really describe.

Thursday was our lazy day, spent on the sandy beach. Lileeva didn`t really enjoy the sea, but Lee got over his fear and went in all the way, swimming. He got quite burnt too, while I scrubbed up a nice little tan myself.

All in all, it felt like we were on some tropical island, anywhere but within the UK`s boarders. It was magical, and we are definitely going back again at some point.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013


Today morning I woke up half an hour later than usual, went for a pee, took my medications, chugged down a bottle of water, made a cup of coffee, sat down and turn my (New and amazing.) laptop on. Sounds pretty ordenary, right?! Wrong, when you are a parent.
This is how the start of each of my days look like: Get waken up by the baby monitor, at least 5-10 minutes before Lee`s alarm would go off, rush to the living room, sort it out (Candles away, toys out, cartoons on.), get Lileeva out from her cot, make her breakfast while putting the kettle on, chugging my meds down with the water, feeding the under-my-foot annoyingly meowing cat and preparing Lee`s lunch. By when I could sit down to enjoy my coffee, Lileeva is usually done with her breakfast (And all over me.) and the cat is done with her usual morning poo so I have to clean the litter. And I still didn`t have my morning pee...
The point is: This was a nice, peaceful morning. One of a kind.

It`s television parenting day ahead us, which I hate, but I have to stay in all day, waiting for a massive delivery I need to sign for and can arrive and time between 8am-6pm. Thank you Argos for being precise with your timing. I was going to get a drawing board for Lileeva for days like this but was out of stock everywhere nearby. Contemplating buying a scooter for her too, I know she`s yet little, but is very much interested in them.
We had a few nice days over the park lately. Not particularly on the super sunny days, more likely on the warm but cloudy ones, when the playground wasn`t crowded. I like to just leave the pram in the middle and let Lileeva run about, be as independent as she wants to be and be able to keep an eye on her.

She is also saying `poo poo` now, after each time she does one. She sometimes even brings the potty out or just points at it, but wouldn`t sit on it, just when she feels like watching her cartoons from the throne. Slowly but surely I suppose. (No, still didn`t look into how to potty train properly.)
On this note, we are giving up the reusable Bambino Mio nappies. They served us well for a year and a half, but potty training (And life in general.) is sure as hell easier with disposable ones. Will save them though, for our future children, if there`ll be any more.

Friday, 31 May 2013


Lileeva says 'Morning!' now.
Wish hungarian was a little easier so she could say a few words on that language too. But blatantly, 'morning' ('moanin') is easier than 'joreggelt' ('yo-rag-guilt') haha! Soon hopefully though...
I put a photo out of my mum and nan next to Lee's parents' picture, just so Lileeva looks at them daily too, and hopefully in September when we're going for a visit she won't only recognise but will too remember them. She keeps pointing at the photo and kissing it, so sure she has some kind of memories of them?!
I found out recently that one of our family friend is pregnant with a girl, so I've given out most of Lileeva's old stuff that I were saving for baby number #2. It just doesn't seem to happen right now (I'm getting fairly regular periods again actually.) and they were taking over lots of space, so this seemed to be the best option.

I've been absent lately again, because there is nothing significant to write about and I don't want to flood this blog with personal issues, but here's bit of an explanation.
Basically once in a year me and Lee seem to have this massive argument mainly due to him not talking to me on a regular basis, letting things pile up in him, and wanting to solve them with splitting or taking a few weeks break. Then he changes his mind, decides to stay and everything is fine for another year. It's like he gets his period once a year and becomes super moody and aggressive instead of opening his mouth and communicate with me on a daily basis.
Also, I'm pretty sure he thinks I became a bore because I don't anymore get off-my-tits-crawling-home-the-morning drunk whenever I've got a chance, unlike him. Having an obsessive personality is hard, but finally I'm managing to put all my energy into positive things, such as health. Whether or not it's boring for some.
That's about it, going into further details isn't even important.
So it was bit downer of a time, hence my lack of activity here.
All is good now though.

Monday, 13 May 2013


18 months today. Wow. So after this one-and-a-half-year milestone we only count the years, officially. It's going too quick!
I know I probably should post more often, but I can't seem to find any outstanding subjects lately. No motivation either, after the long days chasing Lileeva around. She is learning and growing right before our eyes, dropping certain interests like cat food and plug sockets and picking up new ones, like cleaning cupboard, jumping in puddles and practicing walking on stairs, instead of climbing them.
She's also very independent, hardly wanting to hold our hands when walking down the street and honestly, this freaks me out. I obviously pick her up when crossing the road and holding her when we are not in a traffic-dead area, but still.
I met a mum in a baby group and her 18 months old was talking! Proper talking, like 'Mum, come with me!' I was beyond shocked! I however always knew Lileeva will take her time, being brought up in a bilingual household probably isn't easy.
Her association is very good though. saying 'Peppa' when Peppa Pig comes on, 'bubbles' when going in the bath, 'Hello!' when we meet someone, and she wipes her nose straight away if she finds a tissue lying around haha!
I'm slacking on the potty training business... What if I'll be doing it wrong?! Not sure why does it freak me out so much though, I mean general parenting should be scarier than potty training, right?! Somebody give me a pep talk please!
Small and petite as she is, it was time again, so we invested in a new wardrobe for her. Lileeva is slowly becoming a right little lady.

Saturday, 20 April 2013


Oh dear, been a while.
Could make up excuses but in reality I've just been busy catching up with life. I've started my new workout routine at the beginning of the month and it makes me feel superhuman. Also started to practice my hopefully future job. I need a lot more to learn, but damn, considering things, I'm good in what I'm doing, so here's hope.
Ain't going to lie, the weather being nicer is responsible for my lifted mood too. April seems to be a really good month so far.
Lileeva is very sturdy on her feet now. She used to throw a screaming fit when I tried to make her walk a couple of steps from the pram to the swings, she must've been intimidated by the big, outside area, regardless her being able to walk safe and sound indoors. Anyways, she's running about, exploring the playground now. The swings and slides are her favourites.
Lileeva is slowly outgrowing both her clothes and toys, so it's another investment ahead of us. She's still obsessed with Peppa Pig but started to care about Ben & Holly too. They are on the list alongside In the Night Garden..., cars and blocks.
She isn't only getting taller but damn her hair grows so fast! It's curly/wavy at the back, not sure which one of us she's gotten it from. Probably Lee.
Right, I said I'll be challenging us with the nice weather approaching, so I think I give myself a couple of more weeks of educating on potty training then it's time for that too. Sigh.
They grow up so fast!

Wednesday, 27 March 2013


We booked our Rome accomodation on Monday night. It took a while to choose a good enough place.
We had a budget, obviously, which wasn't the lowest by the way.
I wanted a central location so we didn't have to take public transport daily. The weather's going to be amazing and we will still have the pram so are planning to walk to pretty much everywhere. I wasn't too fussed about having a pool or included breakfast. However, we definitely in need of an extra cot, because Lileeva fidgets a lot so there is a chance she would roll off of the bed while asleep. I also wanted to have either an en suite or private bathroom, which is, as surprising as it may sounds, isn't the easiest to find. What we choose isn't an apartment, so doesn't have a kitchenette, but hopefully will have a fridge in the room where we can store some soya milk for Lileeva's night time bottles and well, for some morning coffees for me. It's located about 5 minutes from the Colosseum and has bit of a hippie atmosphere. Was surprised about Lee liking it too haha!
It wasn't expensive at all, in fact around the lower end of the price range, free cancellation in case we changed our minds plus all fees to be payed on our arrival. The manager has already contacted us within a day after our booking, offering a cheap-ass cab service from and to the airport, answering all our questions (Yes, they have a cot and a fridge in each room.) and providing a link for the weather forecast! We seem to hit the jackpot.

On another note, I'm still struggling with Lileeva's terrible twos. I'm simply unable to distract her every single time she throws a tantrum, which is mainly attention seeking anyway, or a fit due to taking something dangerous off from her. Sigh.
She keeps proving how clever she is as well. I don't just big her up because she's mine, others have mentioned it too, plus I see children around her age in baby groups quite often and they seem to be fooled easier than her. Example? Since she likes to chew on wires and playing with my phone, when I put it on charge I have a 'secret' hiding place for it... I had, for about a month. Now every time I for example let her play with my phone, when she got bored, she nicely places it to its 'secret' place. I never use that space, unless I'm charging my phone because well, it's super out of my way. We are also unable to play magic tricks with her anymore, because she instantly knows where to look for her 'magically disappeared' toy, regardless it's being under the sofa or behind our backs, she just knows.
Also, Lileeva's hair is long enough now to tie up in a pony tail, plus she nicked one of my horror themed hairband, with an eyeball on the bow. The pride of raising such an open minded child!
I love her so much!

Saturday, 23 March 2013


Hello period! One less thing to worry about, woohoo!
I'm really not surprised about the confusion my body had go through the past years. All the horrible things I put in it for years (Unhealthy food, alcohol, nicotine... Just to name a few.), then suddenly stopping a couple of years back, just to have the healthiest pregnancy I could possibly have. Then the high hormone dosed thyroid medication and contraception. Then the lifestyle change (Healthy food, less alcohol, no nicotine.), then withdrawing the contraception, then starting to exercise... No wonder my system is like 'What the fuck, woman?!'
Anyway, mother nature is striking, and I'm happy about it for once.
I can sleep fairly alright lately as well. I've given up on diet coke and ta-daah my sleep has improved. I drank copious amount of that stuff, no really, I have.
Just to rub it in; I feel super accomplished today as well. I finally got my arse on gear, stopped making up excuses, put my negative attitude aside and invested in things that will help me in my future career. The rest of my tiny savings is to be spent on my health and that oh-so-mentioned new workout routine. Being a superstitious chump, I don't want to jinx neither of the above, hence the reason I'm talking in riddles instead of stating what job I'll be going for and what workout I'll be doing.
I'm really determined and happy with myself, yes, regardless this bloody snow storm at the end of March!

Tuesday, 19 March 2013


Teething toddler. Either that, or she's ill again.
Temperature, moodiness, tiredness, tantrums. We have the entire package. I do hope it's her teeth. That would mean the last four are on their ways so when they are out, we are done.
Birgit's toddler-mummy get together on Friday was well nice! I already knew a couple of mums there and also got to meet and make friends with a few others. Wine was flowing, kids were nicking each other's toys, mums were chatting.
Here I have to state: I officially became the type who gets pished after a few glasses of rosé. Hello classy (?) mummy style and good-bye Jagermeister necking party animal. I suppose we all have to grow up at some point.
Lileeva might be a daddy's girl deep in heart, but sure as hell she's quite similar to me as well. Sunday's baby rave was the perfect example for that. I wasn't quite sure how will she take the dark room, laser lights and pumping beats but as soon as we arrived she literally ran off, and no one could move her from the dance floor! Even when I tried she found her way back quick. Was a good exercise for me though, because every child was their parent's responsibility all the time, and since it was quite dark I had to stay super alert, running after her.
Anyways, my point is, regardless Lee likes it or not, Lileeva does have a little trippy-hippie lost in her haha!

Thursday, 14 March 2013


Lileeva is back on having only one nap a day again, which makes easier to plan our days ahead. Since there are no groups for my liking on Thursdays, I took her out to the park after breakfast, then being a lazy ass mum, we just stayed in the afternoon watching cartoons.
I popped in a good old Disney classic, The Lion King. 1994! That was 19 years ago, and I remember it's coming out! Damn, didn't it make me feel ancient!
By the way, another outsider mentioned on Wednesday's baby group, that Lileeva looks just like me. Finally! I know she will go through many changes, but I was a bit upset keep hearing she didn't look anything like me, after giving birth. Surely my all-over-the-place hormones back then didn't boost my self esteem either haha! Just to be clear: I didn't at all mind the fact, what bugged me was that people kept rubbing it in. Ah well, here you all go.
I'm going to Birgit's toddler-mummy party tomorrow afternoon, having a baby-free Saturday because Lee is taking Lileeva to see aunty Louise and her cousins, then it's baby rave time on Sunday! I think I convinced another couple of mums to come and meet me there. I'm really looking forward to get to know these ladies outside the baby groups.
Me and Lee had a chat a few nights back and he made a subtle hint that he wouldn't mind having more kids. Plurality! It made me really happy. Mainly cause I remember, around half a year ago I had to seriously work on convincing him in favour of starting to try for a second, and then his reply was 'Alright, but I think regardless whether it's a boy or a girl, we should stop after the second. I don't want to be one of those couples whom keep trying until they get the gender they want.' which I was absolutely fine with.
I'm honestly O.K. either way. I wouldn't at all mind having a big(ger) family, in fact I think I'd quite enjoy it. But at the same time, I'm 100% happy with what I've already got and having only Lileeva would mean she could have all my attention.
They are my little world.

Monday, 11 March 2013


That extra hour of sleep does wonders!
Or it might just be the fact of not waking up for Lileeva's every twist and turn through the baby monitor. Yes, I slept in the living room last night and damn wasn't it satisfying! It's way past by Lee snoring or me being paranoid about waking him up fidgeting. I'm just simply unable to sleep in our bed. My back is constantly killing me, nothing to do with the mattress but me needing a back support.
Amongst other reasons, I really can't wait to start my new training, hopefully with improving my back muscles I will have less problems with sleeping as well.
On Sunday we are going for a baby rave with Lileeva, Virág and Nicole! I might have Giulia and Birgit plus another mum and son tagging along whom I'm recently meeting on baby group sessions. Finding it funny how Lee kept calling baby groups as baby raves, then I stumble in this online. I love the hippie-trancey-squat party like idea, for and with babies. It's held only for an hour or so during the afternoon, and takes place once a month. If it turns out as good as it sounds, that's me getting my party on with Lileeva every month from now on.

Saturday, 9 March 2013


A couple of days ago when Lileeva spotted my lunch, blatantly pointed at it and asked loud and quite clear 'What's that?' then another time she was saying 'I love...' walking towards me with her arms open! Awww!
She can be the sweetest thing ever, but damn doesn't she have a temper! Every time I tell her off, she starts to scream and throws herself on the floor, which if I'm not careful about, makes her cry due to bashing her head in. It's not even like I tell her off all the time, mainly just when she throws her unwanted bits of food on the floor, or when playing with the plugs, even then I usually just tell her 'No!' and move her from the socket. She only ever gets gentle hand smacks when she intentionally throws things at us, for example my own phone. I'm not sure whether or not it's the right parenting, but I don't give in to her hissy fits, in my opinion if I did, she would end up being a spoiled little brat, which I really don't want.
Lileeva became a really fussy eater lately! She doesn't eat things she used to like and not so keen on some of the newly introduced stuff either, so our food choices are quite limited nowadays.
At least I was right about her lactose intolerance, no toddler's diarrhoea luckily! She's absolutely fine on soya milk and back on the daily one, healthy poo. Ah yeah!
Me and Lee took her out to the farm this afternoon, to meet with a real (Peppa) pig, goats, donkeys and chickens. I think she liked the chickens the most, she was chasing them and copying the rooster's crowing haha!

Wednesday, 6 March 2013


A mixture of thoughts ahead.
I have some seriously irregular periods since the implant has been taken out. Either that, or I have lost them. It's been a while, I mean it's March and the past 4 months I only had two. It only bothers me because we decided on another baby, so... Then again, it will happen if/when it should, and my system probably just still adjusting to my new diet and exercise plan, and/or my thyroid functions might be changing at last?!
An outsider who met me, Lee and Lileeva for the very first time said Lileeva looks a lot like me! For once! I got used to keep hearing how much she used to look like Lee, but lately people are noticing the similarity between me and her too, and it makes me happy.
Lileeva is back on having two naps a day again. Not sure how I feel about it, but as long as it works for her, I'm easy. It just means we're missing out on baby groups, but since the weather is nicer I usually just take her out to the park after lunch, same as last summer. She wakes up around 07am lately, has a nap before lunch and has one after we are back from the park, before dinner.
She is also trying to talk a lot more, uses different sounds and words on purpose. She also knows the meaning of a lot of words, regardless she isn't able to say them.
I met a mum over the playground yesterday and we started to chat while pushing our daughters on the swings. Her little one is coming up to 3, she was obviously walking, talking and was very aware of things around her. For this reason, I was shocked when her mum started to explain to me that her previous couple (Twins.) were conceived via IVF and the one swinging 'was just an accident'. What?! I would never in a blue moon would call Lileeva an accident. I even hate using the term 'unplanned' because as soon as we found out that I was pregnant, we were planning her. Nor would I say something like this out loud in front of her! Well baffled!
Lee is planning a family day out for us on the weekend! We probably are going to a farm and maybe having a little picnic if the weather is nice. Proper happy about it, and the fact that it was his suggestion. It just shows he really does care. Some of my friends with kids are having great difficulties with their partners, and no efforts seems to be paid by their other halves. I know that we have hard times with Lee every now and then, but he always seems to care, and tries to make things work too. It's all been gayly good lately though. I'm a happy bunny.

Monday, 4 March 2013


I'm not entirely sure when did this happen, but Lileeva is walking now. And I do mean she rather walk around the flat than crawl. Lee even took her out for a journey and she was walking to and from the bus stop! Regardless she's comfortable in a small familiar place, I would have thought she would be scared out on the streets.
Either way, when I took her out today, she wasn't so keen. She was certainly due her nap and wearing different shoes so I didn't force her much.
Still hesitating between the hard and soft sole shoes... We do have both, and she seems to be able to walk easier in the soft sole ones, but I find it's too cold for them, and she will have to learn to walk properly in hard sole ones sooner or later anyway.

Sunday, 24 February 2013


As of yesterday, another one of our holiday is booked!
Obviously summer season were out of question so I chose September for this two weeks family outings for more than one reasons. Firstly, Lileeva will most likely to be walking by then (Fingers crossed!) which should make our lives easier, knowing how mobile she is. We can't really have her crawling around in a restaurant for example. Secondly, more or less I'm planning her to be potty trained by then. See how that will work out though... Thirdly, the weather is still nice then, and with the season over, the prices are a tiny bit lower.
This time the three of us are going to Rome for 10 days and to Budapest straight after for another 4 days.
We were hesitating about the destination, mainly because Lileeva is yet too small for example Disneyland, but is too big to get bored easily. Furthermore, both me and Lee prefer holidays where are things to do and places to see rather than sitting by the hotel's pool all day long.
I always wanted to go to Rome, Vatican City and their catholic culture especially among my interests, even though I'm not a believer in the so called 'one and only' God. In fact I'm leaning towards the Illuminati view, Dan Brown's Angels & Demons and all that haha! Playing Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and learning Italian in school also helped me decide about the destination.
And of course, it will be awesome to see my family and friends at the end of our trip. I even have a guess about my mum and nan wanting to spend as much time with Lileeva as they can, so perhaps me and Lee will have bit of a free time together, for the change.
I really can not wait now!

Friday, 22 February 2013


My baby is very poorly. She's over the snotty nose but her chesty cough has gotten worse. It's so bad that she coughs while asleep, and wakes up for the pain crying. Therefore we have a sleepless night ahead of us.
I've tried everything I could possibly think of. CalPol before bath, sniffle-snuffle rub on chest and back, warm milk before bed, a teaspoonful of honey when she woke up crying for the third time, then some melted vapour rub in a bowl of boiling water in her room. This seemed to be worked for a little while.
I never believed when my mum said the same to me, but now I can 100% relate; I just wish I could swap with Lileeva, wish I could take and suffer her pain in return of her feeling better.
She seems to be settling with the soya products! We had a messy nappy day since I cut dairy out of her diet, but it was a one off thing so I'm not too concerned.
Went to visit Nicole on Thursday and she said Lileeva being independent is clearly visible. She knows what she wants, and she's going for it, 'telling off' people standing in her way.
With other words: She's incredibly demanding. I obviously love the fact that she knows what she wants, but per usual, whatever she usually wants are forbidden. Knives, plugs or a bottle of bleach. Damn do I dare and tell her off! She throws a screaming fit right away. Quite annoying, really, but I know the best I can do is act apathetic, otherwise she gets used to acting like a spoilt doll when she wants another candy/toy/outfit/whatever else.
She's also learning very quick. This week only, she managed to unplug the charger from the wall socket (Another risk factor, hallelujah!) and figured how to open the washing machine. Kind of scary, if you think about it. They just watch, explore and learn. I'm terrified of showing/teaching her bad examples, with my everyday activities, without actually realising it. Little things like shouting at the cat or sitting on my phone way too long and too often.
Me and Lee have watched a few videos of her, from the very beginning, and looking back, I honestly can't remember her being like that. Short hair, chubby face, fully dependent on us versus the cheeky, long haired beauty with a temper.
Regardless the hard times I'm having with her every now and then, in my eyes, she's truly amazing.

Monday, 18 February 2013


Sleep deprivation makes my life hell currently.
Not really Lileeva related, maybe on terms of having to pull myself through each day and she might experiencing a moody mummy lately. I'm trying my best against it though.
I learnt to accept my earplug addiction and the fact that I never will be the person who goes to bed at 09pm and wakes up fresh as a daisy, ready for life at 05am.
But the fact that I'm unable to sleep next to Lee is ridiculous! I can't even blame him for it, since he's sleeping pretty much on the edge, while I'm taking over the bed, plus stealing one of his pillows and most of the duvet too. It's coming up two and a half year since we've been together and I only slept in the same bed at the same time as him for 9 months, throughout my pregnancy. Beforehand I had my own apartment, and after having Lileeva I had to transfer to a 'day person' and I'm finding it very difficult to adapt again.
I know it will get easier. It just has to.
But as of now, I've pretty much not slept for 2 weeks now. I go to bed a couple of hours before Lee, laying there still awake when he comes in. I drop off around midnight, just to wake up at 03am for my back aching. Or not being able to get comfortable. I obviously don't want to fidget a lot, in case I woke him up, but this just makes me even more conscious about how uncomfortable I am. If I did drop back off, I either have crazy dreams, or Lileeva's cough wakes me or in fact, Lee's snoring does. Either way, I wake up every hour from then on until 07am when I finally get up.
I could and did have afternoon naps with Lileeva, but that just resulted me staying awake for even longer and sleeping less during the night.
Therefore my new technique is sucking it up (Just when I was trying to cut down on coffee, obviously.), and after a couple of days I'm so utterly exhausted that I do pass out around 10pm and only wake up at 05am. That, or sleeping on the sofa in the living room, where the cat never leaves me alone, and one of the streetlights shines straight into my face.
It has to get easier.