Lileeva's birthday

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, 22 February 2013


My baby is very poorly. She's over the snotty nose but her chesty cough has gotten worse. It's so bad that she coughs while asleep, and wakes up for the pain crying. Therefore we have a sleepless night ahead of us.
I've tried everything I could possibly think of. CalPol before bath, sniffle-snuffle rub on chest and back, warm milk before bed, a teaspoonful of honey when she woke up crying for the third time, then some melted vapour rub in a bowl of boiling water in her room. This seemed to be worked for a little while.
I never believed when my mum said the same to me, but now I can 100% relate; I just wish I could swap with Lileeva, wish I could take and suffer her pain in return of her feeling better.
She seems to be settling with the soya products! We had a messy nappy day since I cut dairy out of her diet, but it was a one off thing so I'm not too concerned.
Went to visit Nicole on Thursday and she said Lileeva being independent is clearly visible. She knows what she wants, and she's going for it, 'telling off' people standing in her way.
With other words: She's incredibly demanding. I obviously love the fact that she knows what she wants, but per usual, whatever she usually wants are forbidden. Knives, plugs or a bottle of bleach. Damn do I dare and tell her off! She throws a screaming fit right away. Quite annoying, really, but I know the best I can do is act apathetic, otherwise she gets used to acting like a spoilt doll when she wants another candy/toy/outfit/whatever else.
She's also learning very quick. This week only, she managed to unplug the charger from the wall socket (Another risk factor, hallelujah!) and figured how to open the washing machine. Kind of scary, if you think about it. They just watch, explore and learn. I'm terrified of showing/teaching her bad examples, with my everyday activities, without actually realising it. Little things like shouting at the cat or sitting on my phone way too long and too often.
Me and Lee have watched a few videos of her, from the very beginning, and looking back, I honestly can't remember her being like that. Short hair, chubby face, fully dependent on us versus the cheeky, long haired beauty with a temper.
Regardless the hard times I'm having with her every now and then, in my eyes, she's truly amazing.

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