Lileeva's birthday

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, 1 February 2013


These afternoon naps do me so well!
Lileeva might be waking up earlier lately, but is having nice and sometimes fairly long after lunch kips. We put her down around 07pm and she wakes up about 0730am so it's still an amazing night time stretch, and as of the afternoon, anywhere between one to three hours! I came to realise just now, this interval may be depending on her lunch... When I give her fruits she tends to have shorter sleeps, due to their high sugar content maybe?! Either way, I've always been a better sleeper during the day, and since I started to work out 'properly' in the mornings I do need that little lay down after getting home from a noisy baby group.
Speaking of which, today's experience was much better than the other week's. Even that old lady made an effort and tried to have a conversation with me. Then half way through the session the mum walked in with her daughter, Julia, whom I kind of became friends with a year or so ago when I took Lileeva to baby massage regularly, then due to moving I haven't seen them since. Probably her being friendly with me and the fact that she knew most of the mums already helped them to accept me once and for all. I do understand that people judge by the looks of someone, but having tattoos and countless piercings should not mean I'm a bad person. We changed numbers with Birgit which I wished I've done when leaving the baby massage, so I'm quite happy about making an old-new mum friend.
History and society makes me laugh though sometimes. Where you are from, does have a meaning and is a subject of judgement, good or bad to others. I personally (Excuse if I offend you, couldn't care less really.) don't really like the French. Regardless our history and how I've been raised, I tried to befriend a few, but it never turned out good. I'm not big on their language either. As of Polish and Hungarians, I don't trust them. Heck, I don't even trust myself! Birgit is German and when she found out I was Hungarian her face lit up and said 'Oh cool, so we are 'friends'!' haha I like and share her thinking!
I have a busy schedule for next week, I can't wait. It's all planned.
Tomorrow I'm going to Nicole's again. Definitely less alcohol and getting home in time though haha!
Sunday we will be having a family time and will try to make Lee switch from nights to days.
Monday will be his first day! My friend Gemma is coming over to see me during the day time. Depending how things go, I might drag her along to check out a baby group with us.
Tuesday I'm going to see Kali and Loki and to possibly another baby group or two. Feels like I haven't seen them forever!
Wednesday is a baby group time too, might go to an afternoon one as well.
Thursday Danielle supposed to come and see me, if she couldn't make it I perhaps shall arrange Nicole to come by with VirĂ¡g.
Friday morning is baby group time again, and possibly going to see Lee's parents after. Might even trade Lileeva, and see if we can have a free weekend with Lee. The first in a long long time!

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