I wouldn't say I am a complete financial disaster but my bank account does cry out with hatred every now and then.
It's no secret, Lee is the working (Therefore supplying.) part of the family whereas I'm not getting any benefits whatsoever, apart from Child Benefit which every mum bringing up a child is entitled for and is around £80/month. I wouldn't particularly need more for myself, but here comes Life and how much it sucks sometimes.
I do want to go back to work at some point, but I rather work day time, doing preferably something I enjoy as well. I have an idea in mind and can do a course which provides me with the knowledge and reference, however it doesn't came straight with a job offer. I have the opportunity to do the course for £600 which is roughly half it's 'market price'.
Beforehand though, I would like to get my eye(s) done. My sight is horrible and besides needing for that particular job I'd like to do, it scares me, very much. Glasses just seem to make things worse, so my only option is surgery. £1,000 minimum.
Hence, I looked into going on Job Seeker's Allowance, which turns out I'm not entitled to because I didn't have enough Class 1 National Insurance payed. I never cared about NI or taxes enough to dig to the bottom of them. Now screw Job Seeker's. If I didn't by the age limit have 30 years straight payed National Insurance (No matter which Class.) I won't get pension. So, as it happens, I have to back-pay the gaps when I wasn't in the country or haven't been working, hence NI hasn't been payed. Joyous moment of Life. Just waiting for HM Revenue's letter to see the damage. At least 2 years it is, so I'm preparing for a mild heart attack.
Apparently receiving Child Benefit makes me automatically pay Class 3 NI. If it doesn't, that will be a heavy heart attack over mild.
I also assume living, working and paying all the needed taxes and whatever else for many years in England, gives me the straight forward rights to get pension here?! Regardless, I've been planning on completing the citizenship test and applying for a British passport. £1,000.
And, apart from all this technical shit, here's the most annoying, every day issue I have to face. I want a dishwasher, so fucking bad! £200. No, I'm not at all lazy, in fact, as unbelievable as it may sound, I love doing the washing up, but doing it 4-5 times daily, plus washing my hands after each nappy change and food preparing, bathing Lileeva, have a shower myself, brushing my teeth... My hands are ruined! They could easily belong to a 40+ year old, and they hurt like hell! No amount of moisturisers help either, and Lee wouldn't do the dishes only if I ask him. But I usually don't because 1) he leaves them greasy 2) I'm tired of always pointing out that he lives here too aka responsible to do a minimum amount of housework. He just gets shitty and moody with me, taking it like I don't have anything better to do than nagging him, so I rather keep quite and suck it up.
Oh, did I mention my/our laptop is on it's arse too?! New battery and charger are needed, Dell made (£100+) cause the replicas don't work. We tried. Plus it's keyboard isn't working properly, so might be wiser just to buy a new PC or laptop instead.
So that's me, in need of at least £3,000 to have peace of mind. Plus we haven't yet talked about a spa weekend, a holiday, a personal trainer or just a lovely coupley weekend including cinema and dinner plus drinks without worrying about how much we spend.
And that's me, age 26, talking about finances and pension. Life you make me feel old!
Could be worse though. Have no debts at least. (Knocking on wood quicksmart.)
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