Lileeva's birthday

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, 5 July 2011


Although we do have Sky we don't do this Premier Extra + whatever, therefor we 'only' have let's say 300 channels instead of 600, so I can't say I'm keeping up with today's cartoons.
A few weeks back we went to see Alfie and Kyra at Louise's place, and one of these Sky+ cartoon channels was on, Kyra was watching it (I think it was the Disney Channel?!) and fuck me, it was horrible!
No offense neither to Ky nor to her parents, it's just the fact that cartoons became proper shite in the past let's say 10 years, unbelievable. I was literally sitting there feeling not just old fashioned but old too.
We watched two, half an hour each cartoons and it took us about 10 minutes to realise one has just finished and the other one was on now. Same, poorly drawn characters, stupid story, simply disaster.
Since my responsibility will be to look after, raise and teach this little lady, I have to make sure she'll be smart enough for her age. It sounds ridiculous I know... I do not for a moment doubt her abilities, I doubt myself and my teaching skills. Since neither of us is a big reader (Harry Potter will be a must but I was talking about it previously. No matter what people say, it is a brilliant book for older kids, with quite an interesting and occult background.) we most probably will let her watch cartoons, why not?! But not these new wave dumb craps, no.
For a matter of fact, I'm planning on downloading a massive amount of  oldschool cartoon series in Hungarian, -even though the cartoon itself might originally be on a different language- since I want to try and teach her the language, and old Disney movies in English. You know, I'm talking about well drawn fairy tales with a story behind each frame.
So here I'm sharing my off-hand list, if anyone reading this blog could think of anything else to be added, please post a comment, would be much much appreciated.
The series (Extended links are in English.):
Magyar Népmesék
- Mézga Család
Hupikék Törpikék
- Elsüllyedt Világok
- Egyszer Volt Hol Nem Volt... Az Élet
A Hercegnő És A Kobold (Film)
Szaffi (Film)
- Macskafogó (Film) 
The films:
- The Little Mermaid
- Aristocats
- Alice In Wonderland
- 1001 Dalmatians
- Cinderella
- All Dogs Go To Heaven
- Lion King
- Jungle Book
I suppose the list can go on forever, but that's all I could think of right now, that's why I need your help. Many thanks.


  1. na akkor ide is:
    Jamie és a csodalámpa
    Bob és Bobek
    na meg Vuk! Pitty őrmester vagy mi volt a neve... jaj es a kedvencem volt a Varázsceruza és milyen klassz ember lett belőlem! :P

  2. röhögök nagyon. köszi :*

  3. Hát mi úgy vagyunk ezzel, hogy még a TV-nket is eladjuk, mert nem kell, helyette veszünk egy naaaagy monitort és azon majd nézünk meséket, ha eljön az ideje, mert még nincs. Amíg itt a nyár és a kert, hát mi nem nézünk semmit nagyon. Ábel meg most kezd érdeklődni a könyvek, mesék iránt egyáltalán, de még nem köti le a figyelmét annyira, nem ül le csak azért, hogy könyvet nézegessen, inkább megy-fut-mozog-pakol-szerel állandóan. na jó, fiúból van Én majd a magyar népmeséket, a Kockásfülú nyulat, Rumcájsz-t, a Kisvakond sorozatokkal kezdem....ha eljön az ideje, és sok mesét fogok neki olvasni, hogy előbb inkább a fantázia dolgozzon, minthogy kész "kép"-terméket kapjon, mert az nem serkenti a fantáziát, az pedig fontos a mindennapi játékban is
